Who is Herb Montgomery?
Herb Montgomery’s journey began as a teenager when he discovered a series of “Bible Studies” about the end of the world while rummaging around in his grandmother’s attic. Through these lessons, Herb entered what he calls a very fear-based, performance oriented, outward focused, “legal” religious experience. Two years after this beginning, Herb encountered the teachings of Jesus for the very first time. Today, Herb endeavors to simply be a follower of Jesus. “It’s about a person, not a religion,” Herb says.
For over fifteen years now Herb and his wife, Crystal, have been sharing Jesus with others. Today Herb is an author, internationally recognized speaker, and the director of Renewed Heart Ministries. Herb’s transparency and simplicity is refreshingly relevant, relationally responsible, and intellectually honest. Herb has an unusual gift for taking very complex concepts and making them simple enough for everyone to understand and appreciate. Herb has spoken to audiences which range from the intellectual criticism of Princeton University to audiences found in small rural churches. Today Herb continues to share in venues religious and non-religious alike all around the world. Herb speaks for retreats, universities, and high schools, as well as to audiences which range from the “Mega” church to the intimate sharing found in small home churches. Herb currently resides in West Virginia where he finds his greatest joy in spending time with his wife Crystal and their three children, Alexis, Emarya, and Christian.
You may visit Herb's website at www.renewedheartministries.com
Herb Montgomery’s journey began as a teenager when he discovered a series of “Bible Studies” about the end of the world while rummaging around in his grandmother’s attic. Through these lessons, Herb entered what he calls a very fear-based, performance oriented, outward focused, “legal” religious experience. Two years after this beginning, Herb encountered the teachings of Jesus for the very first time. Today, Herb endeavors to simply be a follower of Jesus. “It’s about a person, not a religion,” Herb says.
For over fifteen years now Herb and his wife, Crystal, have been sharing Jesus with others. Today Herb is an author, internationally recognized speaker, and the director of Renewed Heart Ministries. Herb’s transparency and simplicity is refreshingly relevant, relationally responsible, and intellectually honest. Herb has an unusual gift for taking very complex concepts and making them simple enough for everyone to understand and appreciate. Herb has spoken to audiences which range from the intellectual criticism of Princeton University to audiences found in small rural churches. Today Herb continues to share in venues religious and non-religious alike all around the world. Herb speaks for retreats, universities, and high schools, as well as to audiences which range from the “Mega” church to the intimate sharing found in small home churches. Herb currently resides in West Virginia where he finds his greatest joy in spending time with his wife Crystal and their three children, Alexis, Emarya, and Christian.
You may visit Herb's website at www.renewedheartministries.com

What is Renewed Heart Ministries?
Renewed Heart Ministries is a non-profit teaching ministry that is passionate about following Jesus and sharing Jesus’ teachings with others. We believe Jesus gave us a way to heal our world. We believe Jesus gave us a new, revolutionary way of doing life, rooted in a radical rearrangement of how we picture God, ourselves and everyone else around us. Jesus’ teachings, we believe, offer something for both Christian and Non-Christian alike. We believe Jesus’ teachings are relevant for all, regardless of religious persuasion, but especially for those who have been hurt by religion or who genuinely feel they don’t have one religious bone in their bodies. Jesus’ teachings transcend religious lines as well as the boundaries of culture, gender, race, economic status, and orientation.
Jesus’ teachings we believe, offer a radical break with life as we have known it, as it has been given to us, as we have been told, as we have been instructed is the natural way of life. It is a call to go against how we have been given on how to play the game. To “follow Jesus” is to break with all of that, and say, “I want to live by an entirely different evaluation of what is important.” It’s not about a “ticket” to go to “heaven.” It’s not about saying a simple prayer, going to a church once a week and then simply going back to the way things have always been done. The teachings of Jesus offer us a complexly counter intuitive way of doing life that is both radical and revolutionary. What Jesus termed “the kingdom”, rightly understood, is about learning to follow the practice of love, forgiveness, nonviolence, restorative justice, mercy, and fidelity to self-sacrificial other-centeredness. We believe the exercise of force is contrary to the principles of Jesus’ teachings. His teachings are rooted in the power of love, and love cannot be commanded. (Love cannot be won by force or authority.) Only by love can love be awakened.
Again, we believe Jesus gave us a way to heal our world. The question we must ask today is whether or not the teachings of Jesus and his unique picture of God, ourselves and others remain relevant to us in the 21st century. In the fourth century, Christianity, to a large degree, and in significant ways, laid aside the ethics of Jesus, it’s founder. Much good, but also much abuse has been done in Jesus’ name since. The teachings of Jesus, we believe are still calling us today.
Renewed Heart Ministries resources are free of charge. We do not charge a fee for any of our services, including seminars in local venues. We take very seriously Jesus’ commandment to “freely give” (Matthew 10:8). We exist purely on the basis of one-time and monthly support from our donors. For all of those who are supporting this ministry, in any way, with all of our heart, we thank you. Without your partnership together with us, we would not be able to be one of the many but unique voices that we so passionately feel is needed in our world today.
Renewed Heart Ministries is a non-profit teaching ministry that is passionate about following Jesus and sharing Jesus’ teachings with others. We believe Jesus gave us a way to heal our world. We believe Jesus gave us a new, revolutionary way of doing life, rooted in a radical rearrangement of how we picture God, ourselves and everyone else around us. Jesus’ teachings, we believe, offer something for both Christian and Non-Christian alike. We believe Jesus’ teachings are relevant for all, regardless of religious persuasion, but especially for those who have been hurt by religion or who genuinely feel they don’t have one religious bone in their bodies. Jesus’ teachings transcend religious lines as well as the boundaries of culture, gender, race, economic status, and orientation.
Jesus’ teachings we believe, offer a radical break with life as we have known it, as it has been given to us, as we have been told, as we have been instructed is the natural way of life. It is a call to go against how we have been given on how to play the game. To “follow Jesus” is to break with all of that, and say, “I want to live by an entirely different evaluation of what is important.” It’s not about a “ticket” to go to “heaven.” It’s not about saying a simple prayer, going to a church once a week and then simply going back to the way things have always been done. The teachings of Jesus offer us a complexly counter intuitive way of doing life that is both radical and revolutionary. What Jesus termed “the kingdom”, rightly understood, is about learning to follow the practice of love, forgiveness, nonviolence, restorative justice, mercy, and fidelity to self-sacrificial other-centeredness. We believe the exercise of force is contrary to the principles of Jesus’ teachings. His teachings are rooted in the power of love, and love cannot be commanded. (Love cannot be won by force or authority.) Only by love can love be awakened.
Again, we believe Jesus gave us a way to heal our world. The question we must ask today is whether or not the teachings of Jesus and his unique picture of God, ourselves and others remain relevant to us in the 21st century. In the fourth century, Christianity, to a large degree, and in significant ways, laid aside the ethics of Jesus, it’s founder. Much good, but also much abuse has been done in Jesus’ name since. The teachings of Jesus, we believe are still calling us today.
Renewed Heart Ministries resources are free of charge. We do not charge a fee for any of our services, including seminars in local venues. We take very seriously Jesus’ commandment to “freely give” (Matthew 10:8). We exist purely on the basis of one-time and monthly support from our donors. For all of those who are supporting this ministry, in any way, with all of our heart, we thank you. Without your partnership together with us, we would not be able to be one of the many but unique voices that we so passionately feel is needed in our world today.